Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Sonship School of the Firstborn (SSOTF) is a one-year program of rigorous study where you are provided the opportunity to be educated with sound doctrine and equipped to teach and serve in both the church and community through evangelism, discipleship and leadership. At the end of this curricula, you will earn a certification from the Sonship School of the Firstborn. This certification commemorates your successful completion of this course but your Sonship will be certified by the Lord.

Sonship School of the Firstborn | Dover
Our Curriculum Focus
Sonship School of the Firstborn’s curriculum is focused on the development of the able men and women in areas of instruction that include but not limited to:
- The Doctrine of Christ
- Prayer Basics
- Worship Essentials
- Ministerial Integrity
- Pragmatics of Church Building
- & Much More!
Our Covenant Connection
The Christian House of Prayer (Kileen, Tx). Under the leadership of Apostle Nathaniel and Pastor Valerie Holcomb.
Our Emphasis
Certification, not accreditation, of able ministers equipped with sound doctrine, so they are able to teach others what they have been taught.
Entrance Requirements:
Be 18 years or older, and possess a High School Diploma or General Equivalency Diploma (GED). Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the SSOTF Advisory Board.
Be a member of a local church, in good standing, actively attending and serving in a recognized auxiliary within your local church.
Complete enrollment application, provide 2 character references, and one letter of recommendation.
Has dedicated their lives to the Lord’s will, and of having approved Christian character.
Give testimony of having experienced salvation. (Before dedicated their lives)
Tuition and Fees:
Total cost for tuition and fees: $1,950.00
Total cost for tuition and fees: $1,950.00
- Registration: $350 (non-refundable). Covers cost of books.
- Tuition: $1600 (non-refundable)
- Deferred tuition payment plans are available for individuals and married couples who wish to enroll.
- Late Registration fee, if applicable: $50 (non-refundable)
Keep in Mind...
- Class Days: Second Saturday of Every Month of the School Year
- Class Times: 9:30am – 3:30pm EST
- Class Duration: 12 Consecutive Months